Thursday, October 31, 2019
The Consumer with Diagnosis of Anorexia Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
The Consumer with Diagnosis of Anorexia - Essay Example 331). Anorexia nervosa involves restricting oneself of food intake and nutrients while anorexia bulimia involves repeated acts of bingeing and purging. Thus, people with the disorder are characterized with either loss of desire to eat or purging behaviors in intent to reduce weight. In the United States, the incidence and prevalence of Americans afflicted with anorexia have risen steadily to 1.2 million individuals and majority of this statistic are adolescents and women (Mehler and Krantz, 2003, p. 331). Anorexia is also common among cancer patients in U.S. with 50% of cancer patients who developed anorexia upon diagnosis and 60%-65% when in the later stage of the disease (Adams et al. 2009, p. 96). The increasing incidence of anorexia for the past decades has been attributed to physiologic, gastrointestinal, metabolic, nutritional, neuronal, endocrine, and societal factors such as emphasis on promoting dieting behaviors and thinness. To study further anorexia, this paper will discu ss the different signs and symptoms of anorexia during a mental status examination, the evidence-based therapeutic interventions, and the potential risks to self and others of unmanaged anorexia. Signs and Symptoms during Mental Status Examination During mental status examination, the consumer with anorexia may present to the emergency department in lethargic state. According to Gurenlian (2002), the dehydration and malnutrition brought by severe dieting may result to headaches, lethargy, and syncope (p. 221). In addition, prolonged protein and electrolyte depletion in the body will lead to weakness, dizziness, and paresthesia. A consumer with anorexia demonstrates behaviors that are profoundly narrow, rigid, and disconnected from reality (Merwin at al. 2011, p. 63). Emotions are suppressed to reduce distress in weight and body image and speech is centered rigidly on verbal guidelines about eating and exercises; thus, becomes preoccupied with weight and body image. Due to emotional suppression, anorexic consumers also have poor self-image and greater rate of suicide attempts (Keifer et al. 2010, p. 304). Thought contents include delusion of seeing oneself as fat, suicidal ideations, and obsessions (Harris, Eberly and Cumella, 2004, p. 24-25). Nutritional and emotional suppression not only account for the delusional thoughts and decreased mental state but also in being less responsive to feedback when learning a task and difficulty in concentrating and making decisions. Evidence-based Therapeutic Interventions Adams et al. (2009) conducted a review of evidence-based interventions to treat and manage anorexia and found out a limited number of empirically-based interventions recommended for management of the disorder (p. 100). Interventions that were reviewed for evidence in the study include dietary interventions and counseling, intake of oral supplements, and use of pharmacologic agents. Based upon the evidences, only two pharmacological interventions are recom mended for treatment of anorexia: these include use of corticosteroids and progestin. Systematic reviews confirmed that corticosteroids stimulate appetite and promote weight gain while progestin not only treat hormone-dependent tumors but has additional effect of increasing body weight and appetite (Adams et al. 2009, p. 98). Dietary interventions and counseling were also found to be effective in reducing incidence of anorexia through improvement in nutritional intake and
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Regionlized Endogenous Growth in Est si Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words
Regionlized Endogenous Growth in Est si - Essay Example Following the pth of tht sin industril forerunner, four "tigers" - the two Jpnese ex-colonies, South Kore nd Tiwn, nd two islnds, Singpore nd Hong Kong, the first city-stte, the other British colony tht will soon revert to Chin - embrked on their own export-led mnufcturing revolution, doubling rel GDP every eight yers during 1950 to 1985 (n eight-fold increse in ll). In the lte 1970s, Chin ccelerted its mssive moderniztion progrm, introduced mrket mechnisms, nd welcomed foreign investment; since the 1980s, it hs been the world's fstest-growing economy, verging lmost 10% yerly in the lst decde nd hlf. Over tht period, three Southest sin countries - Indonesi, Mlysi, nd Thilnd - hve proved tht they, too, cn sustin growth rtes of over seven percent yer, speed tht doubles the size of n economy ech decde. Since the 1980s, these Est sin economies hve been growing three times fster thn the OECD economies, twice s fst s the rest of Est si, three times s fst s Ltin meric nd South si, nd five t imes s fst s sub-Shrn fric. Their export performnce hs been prticulrly impressive, with their shre of world exports of mnufctures shooting up from nine percent in 1965 to 21% in 1990. Those re the indictors behind the phenomenon tht hs vriously been clled "Pcific Shift," the "rise of si," the "Pcific Century," or, s the title of recently published World Bnk study puts it, "The Est sin Mircle." One of the Est sin Mircle hs tken plce under the egis of the Px mericn, which ppered fter WWII. TPx mericn constitutes n economic system of wht my be clled "hegemn-led mcro-clustering". The ltter implies phenomenon in which hegemon economy propgtes growth stimuli to its closely ligned cohort of countries by mens of dissimiltion of technology, knowledge, skills, mrket informtion etc. The rise of the Paz Americana originated from "Yankee ingenuity" in the innovation of interchangeable parts and assembly-line operations, which eventually culminated in the techniques of mass production - and the pattern of mass consumption. Under Px mericn many South Eastern countries received a benefit as their economies significantly improved and were enhanced. Particularly, Japanese automobile industry replaced "just-in-time" parts delivery by "just-in-case" inventory, which relied heavily on a cooperative group of suppliers of parts, components, and accessories. Furthermore, Japanese process fragmentation has become all the more fine-tuned to make use of labour costs and technological capabilities of suppliers at divergent levels of country's industrial hierarchy.In the wake of Japan's rapid catch-up with its current account surplus rising, the Japanese yen became grossly undervalued and soared in market value. As for East Asian countries they benefited a lot from the catch-up economics as well. According to the World Bank (1993), Asian Economies got the fundamentals right by way of: 1) carefully limited and "market-friendly" government activism; 2) strong export orientation; 3) high levels of domestic savings; 4) accumulation of human and physical
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Oil And Gas Industry In India Commerce Essay
Oil And Gas Industry In India Commerce Essay The history of oil and gas industry in India started since 1867 from Digboi in the state of Assam. After the independence of the India the oil and gas industry were controlled by the international companies. At that time Indias oil productions were below 250,000 tonnes / annum which were contributed from Assam. At that time some of the oil experts doubted about Indias oil production ability and for the new oil reserves. But Government declared oil industry as a core sector in India under IPR bill in 1954, which helps to change the face of Indian oil industry Indian Government established the Oil Gas Industry in India. All the functions of the oil and gas industries are coming under various public sector organisations which are controlled and authorised by THE MINISTRY OF PETROLEUM NATURAL GAS of India. Structure of Indian Petroleum Industry (IBEF, 2009) Indian Oil and Gas industry holds an important role in Indian economy. It satisfies 42% of primary energy requirements in India and contributes around 15 % to the GDP. With an exciting combination of government and private firms, the industry is fixing their top position in domestic international markets. The report from the Petroleum Planning and Analysis Cell (PPAC) shows that requirement for petroleum products increased by 4.4% to 144.35 million tonnes for the period of the financial year 2010-2011. Presently, Indias petroleum refining capacity is 144.35 million tonnes per annum. It is expected to increase by 240 million tons by Sept 12. Source (CGES, 2012) Indias economy is expected to grow at the rate of 7% per annum over the next five years; it means that demand for energy will also increase. 90% of coal consumption and 75% of gas consumption were met by domestic While Indian domestic oil industry can only covers 22% of oil consumption. This may drop in future years. This shows Indian oil and gas industry should have to depend more in oil imports, which will be 2.4 mbpd Major Players in Industry COMPANY PROFILE Indian Oil Corporation Limited (IOCL) and its subsidiaries were consist of roughly 48% of petroleum commodities market share, 71% downstream division pipelines capability and 34% nationalized refining capability in India. Indian Oil Corporation Limited (Indian Mirror, 2012) Indian Oil Corporation Limited (IOCL) is the leading commercial ISO-9002 certified venture in India and it is the top public sector venture in India, Indian Oil Corporation Limited is the largest company by sales in India with a yield ofà $ 85,550 million and profit of $ 825 million for the fiscal year 2011-12.à In IOCL is the first Indian company to reach at the 83rd position in latest Fortune Global 500 listings. Indian oil Corporation is the 20th largest petroleum company in the world. IOCL was established as Indian Oil Company Ltd. in 1959. In 1964 Indian Refineries Ltd. Merged in Indian Oil Company Ltd to form IOCL IOCL is an oil company based in India. Main operations of the company are refineries, marketing, Centre and Business Development, pipelines, enterprise and planning (EP), RD, petrochemicals and natural gas. 10 of Indian refineries and its cross-country crude oil network and gas pipelines are owned and operated by IOCL and its subsidiaries. Portfolio of brands consists of SERVO lubricants, Indane LPG, XTRAMILE diesel XtraPremium petrol and Propel Petrochemicals. Domestic portfolio of IOCL is consists of 13 blocks in its exploration and production, among these two of the blocks Indian Oil as an operator have 100 per cent participation interest. The international portfolio having 9 blocks stretch over Iran, Libya, Nigeria, Gabon, Venezuela Yemen. In the fiscal year of 2011- 12 around 0.62 million tons of crude oil processed from the Digboi Refinery. Market watch 2012 (reuters, 2012) PURPOSE AND ISSUES To analyse the factors that affecting management performance in Indian oil corporation ltd, what are the issues and to what extend it effects in the management performance of Indian oil corporation ltd. RESEARCH QUESTIONS How the HR factors do affects on the management performance and issues in Indian Oil Corporation in India? What are the economic factors influenced on the management performance and issues in Indian Oil Corporation in India? How the competition factors affects on management performance and issues in Indian Oil Corporation in India? How the IT influenced in management performance and issues in Indian Oil Corporation in India? How the customer satisfaction impact on the management performance and issues in Indian Oil Corporation in India? RESEARCH OBJECTIVES To evaluate HR factors that affects in the management performance and issues in Indian oil corporation in India. To examine the economic factors that influenced in the management performance and issues in Indian oil corporation in India. To find out completion affects in the management performance and issues in Indian Oil Corporation in India. To realize the influence of IT in management performance and issues in Indian oil corporation in India To analyses customer satisfaction impact on the management performance and issues in Indian oil corporation in India LITERATURE REVIEW (media.wiley, 2008) HUMAN RESOURCE PRACTICES AND ISSUES Human resource practices can be says as the management of an organizations human force or work force. HRM is the responsible for managing the employees in the organization. So the HRM has an inevitable roe in the managing performance of an organization. Management functions of HRM are consisting of attracting, selecting, training, evaluating, and rewarding the personnels in the firm. Expected industry growth in oil and gas sector took country to a level of high demand for the skilled labours in the industry, the work-force demand for vital skilled sets all over the oil and gas value chain and the supply of resources in India (Earnest Young, 2010). IOCL sustained its attempts to encourage workforce contribution in diverse actions by idea sharing, proposal scheme, rewards and recognitions, etc. HR Index was designed to assist efficient execution of HR practices and policies. IOCL owns and operates 10 out of 22 Indian refineries with a combined capacity of around 65.7 MMT per annum. IOCL is the largest company in terms of turnover in India. It is the 98th largest public corporation in world and it operates with a strong work force of 34,233. Out of it, 19,382 were workers and about 14,831 were officer cadres. Among the workers, 68 % of the workers have experience of more than 25 years. Most of the employees in IOCL were since its starting period. In this industry, the other companies are also competing with IOCL to attract skilled workers. IOCL has lot of experienced workers so that recruiting fresher through campus interview and other sources and they shaping the personnel through the training. IOCL is a public firm that follows best HR practices, even though they are facing lot of challenges and issues in their HR sector that affects in their management performance as well. HR Issues that Affects Management Performance in IOCL Retirement This is the most important issue that going to face by the IOCL. Due to retirement of labours IOCL will loss roughly 16000 workers in 2021. Most of them were highly skilled and positioned in top authority. By 2021, we will lose half of 34,000 strong employees, Ashok Jambur, chief training manager IOCL. (Nair, 2012). By this issue fifty year old firm forced to depend upon outsourcing to overcome this situation. This will not be an easy task for the management. Company will loss both white as well the blue-collared personals. This will affect both HR and top management sectors this may lead to underperformance management sector. Skills Age Requirements. As per the trend in Indian oil and gas sector, the average age is the main issue that faced by everyone in the sector, especially in Indian Oil Corporation it pretty is high. Not only is the age company asking for but also the experience and skills up to their expectation. Which one is not much easy to find out in this competitive industry? Every company is looking for the best and experienced candidates to strengthen their work force. Here the skills are bigest question mark before the leading public listed firm in India . (Earnest Young, 2010) Attrition It is another unavoidable headache for the HR department and the management. From the recent studies, it estimated as a loss of 7 per cent of current employees in next 5 years. (IndianOil coporation, 2012). The management scared with the attrition from the middle management employees. Who were flying towards the international opportunities. 5% of the highly qualified personals were working for experience only. The management and HR department have to take necessary steps to avoid the loss of their employees. ECONOMIC FACTORS AND ISSUES IOCL, BPL and HP lost aroundà Rs.138, 800 crore in income from sales of domestic LPG, kerosene and diesel under cost in 2011-12. Revenue loss in this financial year estimated asà Rs.à 208,000 crore. Both Indian Oil and Gas sector and economy has a mutual understanding in each other. Indian economy is a changing economy. It is very difficult to predict the Indian economy. IOCL and its subsidiaries have most vital part to play in altering the Indian economy. The economy is affecting by the increase of demand and price of the crude oil. The inflation of the Indian currency is the major issue that affects the entire petroleum industry in India. Indian currency value is changing vastly, is also a burden to the industry. INFLATION IN INDIAN CURRENCY IOCL is the largest firm as per its turnover even-though by the depreciation of Rupee leads the company to a loss, which affects lightly in their performance. Indian market witnessed strong demand growth despite weakening economic activity. Due to the foreign exchange difference the company records a loss of Rs 3,187 crore in last fiscal year. When considering the net crude oil importing in MMT for last 2 years imported crude oil is decreased in 2010-11 than in previous year. But while considering the cost of importing increased by 12% 15% this shows the economic how Indian economy affected the oil and gas industry ECONOMIC CRISIS Global economic situations continued to be pathetic and challenging. This fiscal year saw describing of many new challenges. It reflects in Indian economy indirectly through some other ways. The major challenges were towards the Indian oil and gas industry. Global Economic crisis resulted in the price hike in crude oil market. As India, one of the largest crude oil importing country, it affects India badly especially the IOCL. IOCL records loss of Rs 22,451 crore due to the economic challenges in country as well in globally. The financial crises were a double strike to the Indian Oil Corporation ltd. Crude oil price hike As per IOCL domestic production of crude oil is very low as concerned with the demand in the country. But the demand for oil products increased. And the company has to depend on other sources. By the effect of the economic crisis the price and demand of crude oil increased. These two graphs show the demands and the increase in the crude oil price in India oil markets. This is one of the major challenge that facing by the Indianoil. The trends showing that it will continue its flow of hike. Expected figures will be a nightmare for both IOCL and the Indian economy. Share Market Price Economic crises are usually affecting Share markets. Market fluctuations depend on the global economic factors. IOCL is a largest public firm in India .the majority shares were owned by the president and the rest handled by some bankers and investors. Stock rate This figure shows how the economic issues affect the share market of IOCL from April 2011 to March 2012. BSE and NSE are the two important stock exchanges in India. In both BSE and NSE share price decreased by 15%. These all shows the after effects of financial crises in Indian Oil Corporation Ltd. INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY ISSUE Risk management and security strategy involves the detection of threats, susceptibility, anticipation of crisis, reaction towards situations and revival of assets and safety of employees. IT infrastructure in Indian oil corp. was an extremely decentralized mix up of diverse systems. The corporation required to shorten its IT atmosphere and to increase its efficiency. IOCL running with more than 32, 000 employees and16, 000 PCs over various sections consisting of RD, pipelines, refineries and marketing. However, the corporation has a centralized administration over these sections. Mr. R. Krishnamurthy, Chief Manager of IOCL accepting that they had not installed standard IT infrastructure in the firm. Each section had separate set of apps and software to manage its operations. Major IT issues in IOCL Database Management, Identity and Access One of the major challenges is lack on single sign-on. The portable labour force of the IOCL had no system access while on action. Accessing of IT systems is only takes place when the employees are on the work desk. Due to this, the time consuming for the activities and updating of the information about of ongoing activities destruction are some issues faced by IOCL. These issues are reflecting throughout business activities. An efficient database system can generate high assurance atmosphere and protected planning, with safe identity management, remote access network and data security. Secure Communications Systems. Consumers need accurate and safe information that connects the home site with additional companys sites. IOCL should have to increase their efficiency in their communication system. Currently the system is not much efficient and they are following the older versions and system. Therefore, they have to concentrate on the security and effectiveness of the system. Security Risk Management Field actions involve in risk evaluation and development of practical security measurements to moderate risks. These practices necessitate identifying of prospective risks, establishing borders, assessment of effects and method of anticipation and recovery plans for business. Risk management system is an important factor in Oil industry. Hacking, terrorism is the major threats facing by the industry. It is very important to prevent such intervene from the external source. COMPETITION Indian oil industry was monopoly sector till recently owned by the petroleum ministry as various sectors. By the setting up of liberalisation in country, privatisation in the petroleum sector has been implemented. At the beginning the Government had APM (Administered Pricing Mechanism) for pricing the products. Which cause higher pricing than the market determined price have been. This situation made the Government to implement privatization in transportation fuel including HSD (High Speed Diesel). The main competitors to the IOCL are Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd, Bharath Petroleum Corporation Ltd from the public sector and private firms like (RPL), Essar and Reliance Petroleum Ltd. The ministry of petroleum maintain to hold licensing around in an attempt to support exploration process and boost domestic oil production. Company Outlets IOCL 8,100 HPCL 4,899 BPCL 4,861 Reliance 5,849 Essar Oil 1,700 IOCL is the largest public sector in country in basis of its turnover. IOCL has its dominant position in Indian oil industry even though the private companies like Reliance Petroleum, Essar, Shell etc getting stronger in the industry. Now a day market getting competitive more than198os and 1990s. Competition in Exploration Exploration is the primary step in production of oil and gas. Exploration and production of oil and gas is vital for Indias economic growth and energy security. IOCL has been concentrating exploration and production process both inside and outside India in association with syndicate partner.à IOCL is related with 2 flourishing inventions in oil exploration blocks, one each in Iran and India. From the above table it is very clear that the IOCL is facing very tight competition from the private as well as the public firms which are in same industry. Exploration and production of petroleum and gas is the major factor that affects in the economy of the country so the Government is also encouraging the competition in the refining and the production. The main competitors are ONGC and OIL Corporation. ONGC is consisting with the gas production also thats why they having domination position in the exploration sector. IOCL have to develop some e good strategies to attain a good position in this sector. Competition in petrochemicals Petrochemicals govern universal chemical market about share of 40 %. The industry is looking towards the undergoing metamorphosis, in this IOCL have to compete with some of the forign companies as well. Petrochemicals are related to daily life products. In the production of petrochemicals IOCL had a dominant position in the early period of the industry. Now-a-day the dominant position is being challenged by the competitors in the industries. Reliance and Essar also knows their market credibility in the industry so by 2015 the competition for the market production will be strong and huge. It estimated as, by 2011-12 production will decrease in huge by intervene of the competitors. These will keep the management in a critical situation, as per the statistical information they have to the prevention measure for the situations in front of them. Competition in Refining Industry Indian oil industry is consist of 18 refinaries public sector and 3 in private sector,which have the total installed capacity of 127.35 MMTPA (ministry of petroleum, 2011). Out of these 18 refineries 8 belongs to IOCL. By June 2011 as vision to increase the productivity of oil and GDP Government granted three new refineries two of them s in the private sector. This will increase the competition from the private sector. IOCL is the largest refining company in India from its starting. Currently they are in good position comparing to the other public sectors. Their production is high because of the number of refineries. By the new Government policies the competitive market is rising towards the dominant position of IOCL. Private companies like Reliance, Essar showing fast growth in this sector this will be a threat to IOCL in future. CUSTOMER SATISFACTION Competition in Indian oil industry is being increasing so the company should have to take necessary steps to retain their customers. Now in the business customer is the keen factor that is, Customer sat-is- faction. Therefore IOCL have to focus on their customers needs and satisfaction. It is the method of measuring how product and services distributed by a company meets or surpasses his expectation from the current situation the customers in country are not satisfied by the IOCL. IOCL has a good brand position in Indian oil industry thats why lot of customers are choosing IOCL products. But the firm is not much bothered about their customers. There are lot of complaints regarding their distribution, products availability, service quality, customer service one of the major problem faced by the customers are the booking system. The management is utter fail in that system. The management should have to implement innovative systems. By the privatisation the private firms are coming with attractive customer oriented products Reliance and Essar providing good and timely customer service for their consumers now-a-day the trend shows most of the customers are depending private firms by giving preference to the conformability . IOCLs distribution channel controlling is very narrow with limited systems which were not connecting customers with the company. They have to accept some of the new effective systems in the management that giving customer preference. The customer service in IOCL is one of the major drawbacks of the firm. The customer service should have the ability to satisfy the needs of the customers. Customers are not satisfied with the newly implemented e-payment system. It is remaining as burden over the head of management. Increase in the industry also affected the customer attrition and customer reaction. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY RESEARCH DESIGN According to (Geoffrey Marczyk, 2005) Research Design is the structure and the plan for investigating and covering the collected, measured and investigated data in a blue print. As per AHM (American Heritage College Dictionary) research is a systematic enquiry or investigative study or to analyse something thoroughly. In most simple words it is the method of finding solutions to problems. (Mackey Gass, 2005) Research onion F:Powerpointpe_ukPE083-SaundersFinal_FilesGifch04C04NF001.gif Source : (Saunders et al., 2006) This is a model of research. In this model collection and study of information are considered as layer of onion each layer shows each stage of studies. EXPLORATORY AND CONCLUSIVE RESEARCH Source: (Detmar strub, 2010) Exploratory Research: This is a method of research using to evaluate the issues and the possibilities of a firm. Forms of this study are secondary data investigation, experience surveys, Pilot studies, focus groups, and pilot study of case analysis. It is mainly based on qualitative information other than the quantitative factors. This method will be helpful to find out the quantitative information about IOCL and Indian Oil and Gas Industry. Source: (Courses, 2012) Conclusive research If considering a conclusive research on IOCL. To find out the quantitative data we have to apply two different type of conclusive research. Descriptive Research This method have been using widely for the researches to study the current position, evaluate the industry and the competitive nature. (DJS Research, 2011). This method is using to analyse the effect of the Crude oil price of IOCL in Indian oil sector. Causal Research This method used to find the factors that cause another issues for the company. It is the evaluation of cause and effects of factors (MJ Research, 2008). Here In the case of IOCL, competitors plays in the downfall of market share price. SAMPLE DESIGN Taking decision on what type of sample should have to choose for study or survey. Method of planning the steps and the procedure to collect the information from the sample of people that available (OECD, 2006) cost effectiveness reasonable factors thorough study time management SAMPLING METHODS Various methods of samplings are using for research purpose. These methods are using for obtaining a sample from general population and it is vital process to evade bias in selection process. (Cramster, 2012) SAMPLING METHODS PROBABILITY SAMPLING NON PROBABILITY SAMPLING Systematic Sampling Stratified Sampling Multi-stage Sampling Convenience Sampling: Judgement Sampling: Quota Sampling: . (Castillo, 2009) PROBABILITY SAMPLING In this method the researcher can accept a sample from a population of same nature. Its a method of collecting samples from a population having equal chances to be selected. There are three types of probability sampling. NON PROBABILITY SAMPLING: This can be says as collection of samples from a specified category of population. It can be says as taking a sample from workers in the IOCL in India and taking information from them. Sample selection will be a random process and cannot be estimate respondents nature. Essentials in non-probability are chosen arbitrarily and there is no chance to estimate any individual built in the sample. (StatisticsCanada, 2009) Collection of Data It is practice or procedure that uses to collect experimental data. There are lot of methods are using for collecting data. The relevancy of the data decides the method that has to follow. There are lot of collection method, Triangulation method is one among them. This method is consisting of three steps they are, Historical Research it includes with secondary data collection. In this step should have to collect all the previous data including qualitative and quantitative data. While considering IOCL, collection of information about domestic production of oil in last 8 years. Key Informants is collecting of primary data consisting of qualitative nature. Collection of information regarding performance of HR in IOCL is involved in this step. Surveys final step of collecting data through surveys from samples, customers workers etc it is also a primary data collection. Collection of information of IOCL by giving questionnaires to customers. This data are consisting of both qualitative and quantitative data. (Koppa, 2011) This figure shows the methods and areas of data collection data collection. In this figure it describes about the steps of the collecting data. Types of Data (ROHAN Academic Computing, 2011) COLLECTION METHODS This study is based on the qualitative factors of IOCL is to find out how the issues affecting its management performance? This study is based on the employees survey. It would help to know the management challenges due to the internal and external issues. Methods like focus group interview and pilot studies helped lot to get straight information about IOCL. 3.4 DATA ANALYSIS Data analysis is the process getting collectively quantitative and qualitative data to develop answers to the research questions. (national service resources, 2008) (national service resources, 2008) GANTT CHART
Friday, October 25, 2019
Martin Luther King Jr. :: Racism MLK History Historican Essays
Martin Luther King Jr. à à à à à Martin Luther King Jr. was definitely an influential speaker and writer. He was able to move people with his ideas and words. In his letter from the Birmingham jail he was trying to inform people of the injustices that African Americans were experiencing at this time. His audience was mainly the clergymen of the church. Since most Americans at this time believed that African Americans were uneducated and not on the same level as white Americans, MLK had to prove otherwise. MLK did this by using strong rhetoric in his speeches and letters. Two of the rhetoric styles that I feel was most effective were his use of logic and pathos. MLK knew that if he was going to make an impression on his audience he was going to have to bring his A game. à à à à à On page 182 we see some of MLK first usage of logos. He states that he is in Birmingham because of the injustice that is occurring there. He compares this to when the prophets in the eighth century B.C. left their homes to spread the word of Christ. He also compares himself to Paul, when he carried the word of Jesus Christ to the Greco-Roman world. I feel this is important for his letter because most of his audience was clergymen, and it also shows the importance of his message and also him being there in Birmingham. On the next page he breaks down the process and steps in a nonviolent campaign. à à à à à MLK also does a good job of showing his emotions through pathos. He compliments his readers on page 182 by telling them that they are wise men and men of genuine good will. Another time when MLK uses pathos that stands out at me is on page 186 when he states that he has to explain to his six year old daughter that she cant attend fun world because the color of her skin. He also says ââ¬Å"Its hurts him when he can see the clouds of
Thursday, October 24, 2019
East Coast vs. West Coast Essay
Throughout the nineties there was an movement in hip hop, the infamous East coast rap vs West coast between rap musicians. It was a separational movement that caused both sides to end the lives of two most influential rappers in the music industry, Notorious B.I.G and Tupac Shakur. Both rappers with similar backgrounds have changed the music scene completely with one sudden movement. Known mainly for their rivalry against one another and compared because of the backgrounds, these two artist had quite a distinctiveness to one another. Notorious B.I.G and Tupac Shakur are great influential artist in the music industry and had similar backgrounds but distinctive enough to cause a separation that influenced the music industry then and now. I had watched a documentary, based off of the infamous rappers and their start up in the music industry, titled Tupac and Biggie where I got information on both sides. To begin with both rappers had similar upbringing for instance, were born in the sta te of New York, Tupac in Harlem and Biggie in Brooklyn. However, Tupac did move around growing up to Baltimore, Maryland in 1984 and finally to Oakland, California in 1988 by the age of 17. Biggie had more of an interesting beginning, unlike his soon to be rival, he had been raised by a single mother who was a teacher and had lived in a 3 bedroom apartment, not how he claimed on his song ââ¬ËJuiceââ¬â¢ as a ââ¬Å"one-room shackâ⬠. Meanwhile, Tupac was also raised by a single mother, however had been a part of the anti-government group the Black Panther Party, which would later be a foundation to his rap verses on political stans. Like most rappers they both would have a rough upbringing, and Biggie would start drug dealing at the age of 14 to help support his family, till discovered musically. Interestingly enough, Tupac had an interest in acting and attended performing art schools and create his passion for poetry, turned later to rap rhymes. Tupac was the fortunate one, and was able to join a music group to help his career while Biggie had to perform out in the streets, as the footage shows. Also, in the film, they discuss how both rappers dropped out of h igh school around the same age, 17,and both to pursue their music passions and help support the family they had. The upcoming of both rappers would influence each on their music that would have an impact on the top charts. Musically, both rappers had distinctive sounds, Biggie was known to have a better flow and well produced beat thatà was more Top 40, while Tupac had a greater influence on lyricism because of his deep passion for poetry and political stans. Tupac was well known to speak his mind explicitly and rhymed about topics such as, women rights, african american discrimination, and police injustice. Something most seem to forget is that Biggie used to have open shows for Tupac before the notorious rapper would have his own high fame, this also showed that both rappers had a great friendship before a great dispute The documentary shows rare footage of the two hugging after Biggieââ¬â¢s first album release and great success. The two were loved by audiences and fans but had showed within the top charts throughout the nineties. On ratings Biggie was in the lead with fewer singles that reached higher spots on the charts. Meanwhile, Tupac delivered over 15 singles, and not as many reaching high spots as Biggie had with only 10 singles. Although, both lyrically did have similar writing, rapping about poor upbringings, whether it was an alter ego for Biggie or reality for Tupac, fans wanted more of this profound explicit music. Undoub tedly the two are compared to see which was better, personally cannot judge which was better because of the differences they had on their music, biggie flowed, but tupac spoke. Another great influence these both rappers had for their music and personal lives, was the cliques they surrounded themselves with throughout their high points in fame and fortune. The film talks about how Tupac joined a musical rap group when he had moved to California, Digital Underground, but later had gone solo and joined the record company, Death Row Records. Meanwhile Biggie was signed onto Bad Boy Records, and he had been signed onto the record company by another famous rapper Diddy. Tupac was around many people however, one of his many allegiances was Suge Knight. Suge Knight is an founder of the record company Tupac had been signed onto and was often seen with Tupac by the media in photographs and video footage. Throughout the film the audience is drawn towards the conclusion that Suge Knight was involved in both deaths of Tupac and Biggie. Aswell as Suge Knight, Diddy was also involved in the murders of both musicians, as the film goes on. The death of both rappers were similar but different from one another. The dispute between the rappers had started because of Suge Knight and Diddy, creating the West Coast vs East Coast dispute in the Hip Hop commu nity. This great dispute would have each Coast of rappers defensive over the side they were representing, and cause a hugeà rivalry between everyone. From rap group NWA to rappers such as, Snoop Dogg and Nas, everyone in the Hip Hop world took a side. After releasing a record titled ââ¬Å"Who Shot Ya?â⬠Tupac was under the impression Biggie had been set out to kill him after a robbery at his home that nearly ended his life with the theifs holding him at gunpoint one night. This would add fuel to the burning flame that they were trying to burn out caused by the record company executives, Suge and Diddy. After one diss record after another the two rappers, Biggie and Tupac seemed to enjoy the drama but were on high alert for one another. However in the end, Tupac was shot and killed in Las Vegas, Nevada on September 13, 1996, he had been kicked out and forced to leave a casino one night after a brawl. Less than a year later, Biggie was shot and killed on March 9, 1997 in Los Angeles, California. Biggie had left a recording studio in Los Angeles, and when outside was shot in his vehicle. Both rappers had a big influence on the music industry, however the fans were left with legends gone too soon. More importantly the deaths of the rappers were a huge impact on the community they each had represented. In Brooklyn, during the funeral of the Notorious B.I.G. many fans of the community were outside in the streets showing their respect that the rapper had deserved. In the film you see footage of the funeral with hundreds of fans onlooking the hearse carrying his body throughout the streets of Brooklyn that he had onced hussled to make a living. At one point of the funeral footage, you can see fans playing one of his hit singles and dancing to the rap song, showing that no matter if dead or alive, the rapper would live on and have respect in the community and be played. However on the other Coast, only close friends of Tupac attended his funeral even though there were many candle lighting ceremonies for the rapper from fans. Tupac was cremated and his ashes were spreaded into the ocean in the West Coast, as well as a few of his favorite things such as, Hennessy liquor, cigarettes, cdââ¬â¢s and gold chains. The legacy of each rapper was different from one another, Tupac spoke for Afr ican American men that had been mistreated by the corrupted justice system, and also towards women, and the respect they should deserve from men. The Notorious B.I.G. left his community with aspiration on being able to succeed no matter where you came from and gave hope to many. Both of the rappers left an impact on the music industry and had different legacies for their community and fans.à Without a doubt, both rappers have had influenced many modern day rappers that are or arenââ¬â¢t in the industry today. The documentary shows different musicians, some that are not even in the rap genre, talking about how each rapper left an impact on their lives, A famous rapper by the name of 50 cent says in the film, that there was not going to be another rapper like Tupac and that there was not going to be another rapper like Biggie. Many artist now pay homage to both rappers to show respect on the struggle Hip Hop has had in being accepted. Now a days rappers have showed respect in many ways such as giving shout outs on songs to the rappers or sample beats from past hits of the late rappers, to even having holograms of the artist at live shows. Another sign of respect to the artist is that their music goes on, even after being gone, unreleased music of both rap pers rises to the public every now and then to remember the days the rappers held the crown. Biggie has released three albums since his death and Tupac five, music that was intended to be released at a point but after the misfortunate deaths was never completely finished. With posthumous albums being released it gives inspiration for musicians to get more of a better understanding of the rappers and pass techniques used by the rappers. The distinctiveness in each rappers work of music, left an influential aspiration for other musicians in the industry, Biggie had a better rhythm with his rhymes and Tupac was open to talk about social issues going on. In the end, both rappers were raised differently and had different backgrounds that influenced their work. Yet throughout their careers the similarities of the rappers was visible and the distinctiveness caused a barrier in their friendship. Leading to a grand movement in music history, but also the the deaths of both rappers. Tupac and Biggie are some of the greatest influentials of rap music and have caused similar aspirations for other artist. Works Cited Biggie and Tupac. Dir. Nick Broomfeild. Perf. The Notorious B.I.G., Tupac Shakur, Nick Broomfeild. FilmFour, 2002. DVD.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Swot Analysis of Starbucks
Management 303 SWOT Analysis of Starbucks Corporation Section I ââ¬â Organizational History / Mission Statement In 1971, Starbuckââ¬â¢s opened its first location in the touristy Pikes Place Market in Seattle. The Starbucks name is derived from the coffee-loving first mate in the novel, Moby Dick. The logo, a two-tailed mermaid encircled by the stores name, continues with the theme and background of the name. From the beginning, Starbucks prides themselves on not only providing their customers with high-quality whole bean coffees, but also with providing them with an inviting atmosphere. The mission statement, ââ¬Å"to inspire and nurture the human spirit ââ¬â one person, one cup, and one neighborhood at a timeâ⬠, is seen today in the more than 15,000 locations in more than 150 countries. Section II ââ¬â Strengths and Weaknesses In my opinion, the top two strengths of Starbucks is their strong brand image associated with their high-quality coffee and their committed and strong workforce. Their top two weaknesses in my opinion are their high premium prices and lack of internal focus. Strength 1 ââ¬â Strong Brand Image According to G Serrano, ââ¬Å"The strongest attribute that consumers associate with the Starbucks brand is its being known for specialty/gourmet coffee. Starbucks is a widely-recognized brand. Its top-of-mind recall is high. It is both a household name and a buzzword. â⬠By becoming a household name people go to Starbucks to get the ââ¬Å"Starbucks Experienceâ⬠. This means that Starbucks has made their stores so inviting that people actually get up early in the morning, grab the paper or a good book and drive down to the local Starbucks and basically just chill out. They provide an optional light snack, a good cup of coffee, free Wi-Fi and the comfort of your own home. Being highly recognized for all of the above qualities has contributed in the growth and expansion of their many locations throughout the US and abroad. This is a huge strength in that that being on top of the market share pretty much ensures that no matter what they will continue to stay on top because of their branding and their popularity. Strength 2 ââ¬â Committed and Strong Workforce Not only does the coffee drive customers to Starbucks, but the dedicated employees who care about their jobs and their customers do as well. Starbucks thinks so highly of their employees, they call them ââ¬Å"partnersâ⬠. The partners are the ones who create the atmosphere that makes the customers feel the way they do about Starbucks. As Hammers stated in her ââ¬Å"Workforce Managementâ⬠piece, ââ¬Å"The companyââ¬â¢s rich benefit blend keeps turnover low and employee satisfaction high. And that's why it's the Optimas Award winner for Quality of Life. As business owners and managers, our job is to make sure that our employees or partners, for that matter, are happy and well-trained. When this happens, as it has with Starbucks, it outwardly shows to the clientele and it makes them want to come back time and time again. Weakness 1 ââ¬â High Premium Prices Starbucks is a premium brand that commands premium prices. As competitive pressures increase, the company could b e undercut by lower price rivals such as McDonalds or Duncan Donuts. Recession or downturn in the economy, like we are facing now, affects consumer spending. If Starbucks continues to increase prices over the next few years in the face of increasing coffee prices, there could be a downside to their forecast. In this highly competitive market and with less disposable income to spend, consumers turn to lower priced venues and competitors. â⬠Starbucks should look into some sort of cost saving efforts when it comes to the coffee beans that they buy. I know they are known for their premium brands, but with prices on the steady increase something Weakness 2 ââ¬â Lack of Internal Focus Starbucks has grown by leaps and bounds over the past decade or so. They seem to be consumed with growing their market share by increasing the amount of locations they have within the states as well as abroad. Serrano states just this point in saying ââ¬Å"The growth strategy was not really the failing point. In fact, this augured well for the companyââ¬â¢s bottom line. What the companyââ¬â¢s executives failed to see was the fact that if it wanted to saturate the market, its product and service offerings were not really meeting the characteristics of the market. That is why the market perceived Starbucks as merely concerned with growth in the number of stores and profits. The wide potential market base did not see Starbucks as concerned with their needs. â⬠Starbucks goes through a lot of effort to get the opinions of their partners and their clients. They even have a board of people who read the queries on a monthly basis to see where improvements can be made. Since they are putting in all the effort, they need to follow through and start listening to the very people that give them their profits. Expanding will do no good if you donââ¬â¢t have any customers. The more they neglect what their partners and customers are saying, the more they are going to lose touch. Section III ââ¬â Opportunities and Strengths In my opinion, the two biggest opportunities for Starbucks are increasing their CRM and database marketing and expanding into new product lines. Strength 1 ââ¬â Increasing CRM and Database Marketing One of the greatest opportunities for Starbucks is to increase their CRM and Database Marketing. At the moment Starbucks just asks you what you want, you pay for it, they make your drink and you are on your way. In order to better serve their clients and give back to them, they could come up with some type of rewards program. Many large retailers and food chains have already begun these programs. This would help them stay in touch with their clients by sending them emails of upcoming events, new drinks and new offers. They could also attach a rewards program for the customers who have a daily addiction to their drinks. This basically becomes a win-win situation for not only Starbucks but for their customers as well. Strength 2 ââ¬â Expanding Product Lines and Services We all know that Starbucks has the best selection of coffees around. Unfortunately, that is all they do. I think one of the greatest opportunities for them would be for them to expand their food line to go along with their drinks. Seeing that they are open all day long and into the night, they could benefit greatly by developing a larger lunch line. They currently have small salads and finger sandwiches at some of their locations. By increasing their menu they could also increase their profits. This would help give them a competitive advantage of other cafes along the same lines as them.
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